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The Seeds We Plant - Press Release


Profectus presents, The Seeds We Plant, an outdoor Modern dance concert, featuring guests, Esthete Collective and Arise.

When: April 10th at 6:00pm

Where: Greenville Street Park, Newnan, GA

Price: Admission is free, but Profectus suggests a donation of $10 per ticket

Ticket Link: tickets-141044705511

Donate Link:

Safety Protocols: This event will take place completely outdoors and audience members will need to bring their own picnic blanket or chairs for seating. Audience members can also bring picnic dinners or support a local small business by purchasing a to-go meal on the square. It will be up to the audience members to social distance from one another and Profectus encourages the use of face masks when interacting with people outside of your group.

Profectus presents, The Seeds We Plant, an outdoor spring dance concert. This show will feature new works by Olivia May and Melinda Cassiday Jacques as well as the return of Profectus’ first piece of repertory, Seed. It will also include the premiere of Brielle Rathbun’s new work, I Saw It, set on the company in January as well as guest performances by Esthete Collective and Arise.

The Seeds We Plant’s title was inspired by a Robert Luis Stevenson quote that states, “judge each day not by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” Profectus, an emerging professional dance company residing in the metro-Atlanta area, is a seedling in a sense. It was planted in 2020 amidst the global pandemic and grew despite the challenges that the year brought. The company’s Artistic and Associate directors, Olivia May, Leigh Ducas, and Melinda C. Jacques, have carefully worked to grow the “seedling,” looking for ways to enrich their community with art, give dancers a place to call home, and invoke conversations and understanding through their works.

The show is comprised of several works meant to “plant a seed” in the audience members lives. Melinda C. Jacque’s Enough is Enough plants a seed of healing. Olivia May’s \ ‘ lev \ : to hold dear plants a seed of love. Brielle Rathbun’s I Saw It plants a seed of inspiration. And Seed, a company-wide collaboration, plants a seed that tells a story of redemption and bravery. Arise and Esthete Collective will both be “planting a seed” with their new works as well.

Audience members should bring camping chairs or picnic blankets as well as snacks or a picnic dinner/to-go dinner from local restaurant to enjoy during the performance. Audience members will be able to choose their own seating area, enabling everyone to space out from other parties and social distance as needed. Profectus highly encourages the use of face coverings when within 6 feet of individuals outside of your group. Please note that the dancers will not be performing in face coverings in order to give you the highest quality performance possible, so we appreciate audience members doing their part by staying 6-feet apart from others and wearing your masks to keep everyone feeling comfortable and safe.

Please note that parking at the park is limited. Additional public parking is available on the square down any street and is a short walk from the park.

Picking up a to-go meal from a local restaurant is a great way to support a small business and enjoy a delicious meal during our concert. Below is a list of local Newnan restaurants which serve takeout:

-Meat N Greet - $

-714 - $$

-The Oink Joint Newnan - $

-Eat Thai - $$

-Fabiano's Pizzeria of Newnan - $$

-Redneck Gourmet - $

-Golden's on the Square - $$

-The Mad Mexican - $

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